Ways to Watch
You may view your ShowcaseNOW rental or purchase on your computer or smart TV or by downloading the free ShowcaseNOW app to your Apple or Android device.
How to pair with my smart TV
To view your ShowcaseNow rental or purchase on your smart TV, follow these steps.
1. Download the free ShowcaseNOW app to your Apple or Android device.
2. Rent or purchase titles via ShowcaseNOW.ShowcaseCinemas.com
3. Ensure your mobile device and smart TV are on the same network.
4. If you are using an Apple device, use the ShowcaseNow IOS app to cast your iPhone or iPad via an Apple TV or a smart TV with Airplay built in. If you are using an Android device, use the ShowcaseNOW Play Store app to cast your Android device via a Chromecast device or a smart TV with Chromecast built in.
5. Enjoy the show!